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The quest of Identity #1
2015| 132.5 x 111.5|inkjet print on paper
The quest of Identity #1_2
132.5 x 111.5|inkjet print on paper
The quest of Identity #2
25.5 x 18.2|ink and pencil on paper
The quest of Identity #3
25.5 x 18.2|ink on paper
The quest of Identity #4
25.5 x 18.2|acrylic and pencil on paper
The quest of Identity #5
25.5 x 18.2|ink and pencil on paper
The quest of Identity #6
25.5 x 18.2|pen on paper
The quest of identity
It is based on observation of insects which were discovered in a study for three months. I realized that they are somewhat similar with me while I killed and collected insects; I felt like an alien, when I consider its fragility and trivial existence. In this project, I tried to redefine my self as an artist through this work which is transformed from trivial matters to art form.
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